Book your Work/Life Balance Week Workshop 1-5 October now!

It’s that time of the year again when we start to plan our workshops for work/life balance week.  This year it’s 1-5 October so now is the time to book your room and we will provide everything else!

Are you aware that there are over 11 million working parents in the UK, making up more than a third of the workforce?

The  Modern Families Index, produced by Working Families and Bright Horizons, reported that Parents said they would leave employers who do not offer good work-life balance opportunities.

Working Families National Work/Life week aims to provide a time for working parents to assess and focus on improving their personal work/family balance.  To support this, we are putting on a series of 1-hour workshops and webinars.  This is a great way to show your employees that you are supporting them.

Work/Life Balance 1-hour Workshops

These short, focused and practical workshops are a quick and effective way of offering high quality learning & development opportunities to your employees.  These sessions put a practical emphasis on supporting, recognising and educating parents – they are all work-focused, encourage networking, and offer ideas on how to increase productivity and wellbeing at work:

Practising Patience:  Work/Family Balance for Dads

In this very interactive and discursive session you will learn quite simply how to be a more patient dad. You will consider how to manage the transition from work and home and how to be more present in both.  You will be able to understand the triggers that take you from 0 – 100 and how to manage yourself in those situations, so you can be a better dad and build stronger relationships with your children.

Powerful Productivity

With so many more opportunities for working flexibly, we need to ensure we are more productive than ever.  This workshop will enable you to find ways to consistently produce value-add work, without having to work longer hours.  You will also consider how to become more culturally and politically aware so the time you spend at work is invested wisely.

Sustaining Work/Family Balance for the Longer Term

Most of us want and need to feel happier about how we spend our time, but we often end up with short-term fixes that don’t last.  This workshop enables you to dig deeper and reflect on YOUR needs.  It will help you identify your true values and drivers and then enable you to start a plan of action. 

Coming soon….

Details of our free webinars that any of your staff are most welcome to dial into.  They will be delivered by our Panel of Experts on topics such as managing childcare, image management and nutrition for busy working parents.

Get in touch if you’d like more details:

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