Launching our Brand New Online Portal: Supporting the Parental Transition at Work

The problem:
Last year, some of our clients told us that they wanted to provide global, online support to their employees going through parental leave.
Our clients wanted ONE solution for ALL their parents – dads, mums, adopters.
They wanted this online option for full flexibility, so that their employees could access information, tips and advice from their phones on the way to work if they so wished and across all their locations globally.
Big ask! But fast-forward months of researching, planning, recording, interviewing and writing, and now we have the solution – a comprehensive online portal, which is relevant for juniors as well as seniors; in the UK and also overseas; for those who are keen on career progression, and for those who are happy to stay where they are.
The solution:
The user experience:
- Individual log-ins
- Company-branded, can be tailored to include links to company policies
- Access to huge variety of interactive exercises, tip-sheets, videos, blogs, checklists
- Information from our Panel of Experts – childcare, sleep, nutrition, finance
- Download, save and print documents
- Accessible on all devices
Benefits to the organisation:
- Cost-effective learning
- Global reach
- Ensures employees feel supported and recognised during challenging times
- Boost career management skills and confidence, which can aid return and retention rates
- Boost levels of health and wellbeing
3 modules for easy navigation:
Interested in finding out more? Email us and we can arrange to give you a tour via a Skype call: