Managing your career during maternity leave

Managing your career during maternity leave can be important for your career. Contrary to popular opinion that once you get pregnant and go on maternity leave you have ‘lost interest’ in your career, we spend time with women who clearly understand the importance of proactively managing their careers.

Tips for managing your career during maternity leave

Last week, we asked delegates in our ‘Working Parents’ workshop (women who have recently returned to work following maternity leave) for their top tips in raising their profile  and managing their carer during maternity leave.  Here’s what they came up with:

  • Set out your return to work expectations early
  • Put in for the maximum amount of maternity leave rather than extending it later – ‘under promise, over deliver’
  • Embrace change because it will happen whilst you are away
  • Make sure your performance development plan is good before you leave
  • Keep in contact with colleagues while you are away
  • Take advantage of Keeping in Touch days
  • Find out about the benefits available to you and take them!
  • Get a mentor on your return
  • Find out what flexible working options are available
  • …and just enjoy yourself and take it easy!

To find out more about our maternity coaching workshops, please contact us on 07792 543044 or email

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