National Work Life Week 3-7 October 2016

Next week, Working Families will be hosting their annual National Work Life Week, where companies and individuals nation-wide are urged to take time to find ways of improving their personal day-to-day balancing act. Working Families has put together a toolkit for employers with ideas on how to get involved:
As working parents, we at PfP Coaching know only too well the importance of developing and maintaining some sort of equilibrium in how we spend our days and our weeks. We regularly see first-hand the impact of those who have tipped the balance for too long in favour of work, only to then suffer the consequences later in life. High levels of stress, illness and ever-increasing divorce-rates should surely be enough to make us sit up and take action?
So what changes can you make next week to your personal work life balance or to help inspire others to make changes?
Here’s some of what we have planned over the next week to celebrate National Work Life Week:
- Special 1-hour sessions ‘Choosing the Right Work Life Balance for YOU’
- Small group workshop for 4 women working in investment management who are preparing for maternity leave
- A webinar on flexible working for an energy company
- A workshop for a large group of women who have recently returned to work following a period of maternity leave
- On Wednesday 5th October we will be supporting the Go Home on Time initiative, putting our work down in the evening and thinking about changes we can make to our own work life balance