Our key learns from Work/Life Balance Week

During Work/Life Balance Week we have helped more than 100 employees from across 10 different organisations consider ways to improve their work/life balance.
Through our Work/Life Balance Week webinars and workshops, we have looked at ways to:
- Manage childcare for a better work/life balance
- Get a professional image in a hurry
- Become more patient as parents
- Establish values to improve personal work/life balance
- Feel less frantic and more fulfilled
Attending all of these sessions has been fantastic, and it has reinforced to us just what a talented lot our facilitators and Panel of Experts are! On a very practical front, there is one key theme that runs throughout:
Making the most out of Work/Life Balance Week
To make improvements in any of these areas, it’s essential to PREPARE and REFLECT before taking action – which is something that we find pretty hard to do these days.
On childcare, Stephanie Rough, Corporate Childcare Manager, explained how important it is to research all your childcare options thoroughly and well in advance – but how many of us either jump into signing up for the closest nursery or leave childcare choices so late all the best options are unavailable?
On image, Sally Smy, Personal Stylist at Queen Bee Styling, advocates a wardrobe-clear-out session as the first step before going out and buying. On reflection, this makes total sense to start with a blank canvas, but are we doing it?
On patience, David Willans, Founder of Beingdads.com, recommends taking a step back and deciding what our role as a parent is – what do we want to achieve for the longer-term – and reminding ourselves of this on a daily basis – well before we get ourselves in a situation with our children where we find our patience is being tested to its limit.
On establishing values, Louise Hallett, facilitator, creates a space for deep reflection and assessment away from the chaos of day-to-day life.
On fulfilment, Caroline Laycock, Founder of getmoredoneatwork.com, talks us through the first key principle to feeling less frantic – to energise – checking in with yourself and preparing your body and mind for change.
Thank you to Stephanie, Sally, David and Caroline for a truly inspiring work/life balance week!