Shared Parental Leave

This week PfP attended the Citymothers seminar on ‘Shared Parental Leave – explaining your rights’ run by Slater & Gordon Lawyers.
What is Shared Parental Leave?
Shared Parental Leave (SPL) came into force on 1st December 2014. It is the process of sharing the Parental Leave entitlement between both parents.
SPL covers the pay and leave entitlement available to employed parents – for babies due or children matched or placed for adoption on or after 5th April 2015. It replaced Additional Statutory Paternity Pay and Leave (ASPP/APL).
Parents now have greater flexibility and choice in how they share the care of their child and time off work in the first year of their child’s life. Mothers will have to take at least two weeks of maternity leave immediately after the birth, but after that working couples can share up to 50 weeks of leave and up to 37 weeks of pay.
Top Tips for Shared Parental Leave
Here are a few useful tips/reminders for Shared Parental Leave.
- The importance of discussing any intentions to take SPL as early as possible with employer
- Check if company offers an enhanced company scheme
- Be aware of the 8 week curtailment notice
- Look into the financial aspects carefully:
- SPL pay for partner is only available if mother qualifies for statutory maternity pay or maternity allowance
- Statutory maternity pay is more than statutory shared parental pay – the first 6 weeks of statutory maternity pay are paid at 90% of average actual earnings
- Make use of SPLIT and KIT days
- Employer doesn’t have to agree to SPL if leave is to be taken in discontinued blocks
Last week the Chancellor George Osbourne announced plans to extend SPL and pay to working grandparents – see this article.
For more information from ACAS on the SPL regulations, see:
or visit gov.UK
Contact us for further information and advice.