Working Parent Summer holiday survival guide
If you have children at school and your juggling the school holidays and working then this Working Parent Summer Holiday Survival Guide is for you!
The countdown has begun! With only several weeks until 6 weeks of the summer holiday to go, now is the time to put in place your summer childcare plan. Babies or children still at full-time nursery? Enjoy and appreciate the simplicity before the madness of school begins!
Working Parent Summer Holiday Survival Guide
If you have friends with older children who manage to hold down a career, then you’ll know we’ve all been a working parent trying to survive the summer holidays! We hope you find the following tips helpful – let us know if you have anything to add.
Tip 1. Start with a week-by-week plan.
1. The first tip in our Working Parent Summer Holiday Survival Guide is to book some time out. Can you book out a 2-week family holiday yourself – together or separate from your other half? Consider if you would prefer 2 consecutive or separate weeks. If this first step goes well, you possibly now only have 4 weeks of the summer holidays to survive – this is do-able!
Tip 2. Share the Load
2. Can grandparents or family members help out with the odd days? Perhaps a sleepover with cousins or a stay with grandparents? This option can be quite good for those of us who aren’t lucky enough to have grandparents nearby – a great excuse for a trip?! 3 weeks to sort out…
Tip 3. Holiday Clubs
3. Can you find a holiday club for a week or so? Private holiday clubs can be expensive, especially with 2 or more children, however, they can be lifesavers and your children will come home exhausted after a week of activity! You may consider doing 1 week at the beginning of the holidays and then having a couple of weeks break in between to avoid activity (as well as bank account!) burnout! Try:
Tip 4. Flexible Working?
4. When it comes to being a working parent, we know some managers can be more understanding than others so this tip might not be for everyone. Are you able to talk to your manager about flexible working opportunities during this period, or working from home so to avoid a lengthy commute?
Tip 5. Local Holiday Clubs
5. Does your local council or school offer holiday clubs? They may be cheaper than the private options!
Tip 6. Nannies, childminders or friends
6. Do you know a local nanny or childminder? Or perhaps you have a friend who may be willing to share their nanny or childcare provider? It’s a nice option if your children can have the occasional stay-at-home day.
Other Considerations for Working Parents in the Summer Holidays
As a working parent during the summer holidays, you’ll also need to consider someone who can be your contingency in case of child sickness – this is a good time for you and your other half to compare work commitments to try and avoid both of you travelling at the same time.
If your child is starting a new school in September, make sure you don’t book in anything huge at work during his or her first week – can you take their first day at school off as holiday, for example, to ensure you are there for the drop off and pick up? Can you arrange some flexible working during that first week?
Finally, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone! Parents all over the country have mild panic attacks at this time of year, which is why we have created our Working Parent Summer Holiday Survival Guide…. make sure you plan ahead, get recommendations and use your networks and all will be fine…. until next year.
Support from Parent and Professional
If you manage working parents and want some advice on how to handle working patterns around the school holidays – contact Parent and Professional today.