Balancing work and family in HR

Balancing work and family in HR: Transform your productivity and protect your wellbeing

Discover how prioritising your own work-family balance can empower you to better support your employees, all while maintaining your own wellbeing.

In this roundtable, we explore key challenges faced by HR professionals today:

  • Burnout is real: 81% of HR leaders are burnt out, with 62% considering leaving the profession.
  • Balancing act: 41% of HR professionals struggle with maintaining a good work-life balance, according to People Management.

Watch the recording from our recent roundtable to hear from our special guest speaker, Abigail Barnes, a productivity and wellbeing expert. Abigail shares her transformative approach, The 888 Formula, offering practical strategies to manage time, increase efficiency, and safeguard your wellbeing.

Balancing work and family in HR Session highlights:

  1. Maximizing Your Time with the 888 Formula
  2. Fire Fighting: 3 Simple Strategies for Efficient Time & Resource Allocation
  3. Protecting the Asset: Becoming a Productive HR Professional

Plus, enjoy a panel discussion and Q&A with coaches passionate about work-family balance, sharing actionable insights for creating sustainable, long-term change.

🌟 Abigail Barnes, Founder, Success by Design Training 
🌟 Helen Letchfield, Co-Founder, P&P Coaching
🌟 Andi Simmons, Work Family Balance Coach, P&P Coaching
🌟 Kiante Wheatley, Parent & Child Life Coach, KISm Parenting Solutions

Catch up with recording to equip yourself with the tools and strategies you need to thrive both professionally and personally!

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